
Puente del Rialto (s.XVI), gran canal. Venecia.V�neto. Italia
Post Date: Apr 18, 2024 9:25 AM
TAG ID: ibpremiumthree233961 (RM)
Credit: imageBROKER/Tolo Balaguer/Newscom
Format: 3648 x 2736 Color JPEG
Photographer: imageBROKER
Special: MR
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
Keywords: 2 people, Famous Place, Italian, Northern Italy, Puente, Rialto, UNESCO, UNESCO World Heritage, UNESCO World Heritage Site, UNESCO site, Unesco world Site, Unesco world hertiage site, Venetia, Venetian, Veneto, Venice, World Heritage, World Heritage Site, attraction, body of water, bridge, canal, channel, cultural monument, cultural site, culture, heritage, landmark, place of interest, river, sight, the North of Italy, tourist attraction, tourist landmark, travel photography, two people, two persons, water, water canal, waterfront, waterway
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