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Depuis le 25 avril au soir des etudiants d’un comite Palestine de la grande ecole parisienne occupent un un local historique de Science po au 27 de la rue Saint-Guillaume en soutien aux palestiniens dans le cadre du conflit a Gaza et protestent, contre la repression des voix propalestiniennes sur le campus, reclamant la fin d’un genocide, en reclament notamment la condamnation des agissements d’Israà l tout en observant une minute de silence pour l’ensemble des victimes du conflit. Les manifestants ont reçu le soutien de parlementaires LFI et ont pu ecouter un message vocal de Jean-Luc Melanchon. Occupation of Science-po Paris by pro-Palestinian students Since the evening of April 25, students from a Palestine committee of the Parisian Grande Ecole have occupied a historic Science Po premises at 27 rue Saint-Guillaume in support of the Palestinians in the context of the conflict in Gaza and are protesting against the repression of pro-Palestinian voices on campus, calling for an end to a genocide, in particular calling for the condemnation of Israel's actions while observing a minute of silence for all the victims of the conflict. The demonstrators received the support of LFI parliamentarians and were able to listen to a voice message from Jean-Luc Melanchon.//ZEPPELINNETWORK_032/Credit:CARON/ZEPPELIN/SIPA/2404261717
Location: PARIS, France
Post Date: Apr 26, 2024 11:22 AM
TAG ID: sfphotossix517716 (RM)
Format: 4024 x 6048 Color JPEG
Keywords: zeppelinnetwork, science po, palestine, SCHOOL, STUDENT
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