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Tiny harvest mice balance on flowers and pose for the camera, captured by Gemma De Cet in Burnley, Lancs. See Animal News copy AN-CetMice: These tiny harvest mice really know how to pose, as they balance on flowers in a series of adorable images. From stretching out between two thistle heads, to balancing on a long-stemmed allium so that the flower looks like an Oscars-worthy gown, the 5cm long mice love to use the natural world as their playground. Photographer Gemma De Cet, 40 spent three hours with the tiny creatures and is overjoyed with how her pictures have turned out. Gemma, who took the photos in Burnley, Lancs, said: “I spent three hours trying to get the perfect shots, these mice don’t work on demand so it is a case of being relaxed around them, and having a lot of patience.” WWW.ANIMALNEWSAGENCY.COM - 0044 (0)7494818329//ANIMALNEWSAGENCY_1055010/Credit:Gemma De Cet/SIPA/2405101154
Post Date: May 10, 2024 5:57 AM
TAG ID: sfphotossix542025 (RM)
Credit: Gemma De Cet/SIPA/Newscom
Format: 3467 x 5200 Color JPEG
Photographer: Gemma De Cet/SIPA
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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