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Caregivers from the University Hospital, Toulouse University Hospital and members of the Samu are preparing for an intervention in an industrial disaster situation and the first aid to be provided. During the launch of “SENS”, the Environmental and NeuroSensory Simulation center. A unique center in the world, which aims to expose and train health professionals through simulation to the environmental, sensory and emotional conditions experienced in crisis situations. April 25, 2024, Toulouse, France. Des soignants du CHU, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse et des membres du Samu se preparent a une intervention dans une situation de catastrophe industrielle et les premiers secours a apporter. Lors du lancement de  SENS  , le centre de Simulation Environnementale et NeuroSensorielle. Un centre unique au monde, qui vise a exposer et a entrainer par la simulation les professionnels de sante aux conditions environnementales, sensorielles et emotionnelles ressenties en situation de crise. 25 avril 2024, Toulouse, France.//SCHEIBER_1904.03599/Credit:Frederic Scheiber/SIPA/2404251833
Location: Toulouse, Occitanie, France
Post Date: Apr 25, 2024 12:37 PM
TAG ID: sfphotossix516550 (RM)
Credit: Frederic Scheiber/SIPA/Newscom
Format: 3500 x 2336 Color JPEG
Photographer: Frederic Scheiber/SIPA
Keywords: chu, catastrophe, risques industriels, sens, seveso, AID, blast, blessÃ's, care, center, CENTER, civilians, civils, danger, dead, disaster, doctors, emergency, TRAINING, exercices, exercises, explosion, factory, fiction, first aid, help, hospital staff, industrial risks, malades, morts, mÃ'decins, patients, personnels hospitalier, premiers secours, reality, rÃ'alitÃ', samu, soins, training, URGENT, FACTORY, wounded
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