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A service member salutes as the National Anthem is played during the National Veterans Day Observance at the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia on Monday, November 11, 2024. Credit: Bonnie Cash / Pool via CNP/AdMedia
Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States of America
Post Date: Nov 17, 2024 1:51 PM
TAG ID: admphotostwo903050 (RM)
Credit: CNP/AdMedia/Newscom
Format: 3655 x 2437 Color JPEG
Photographer: CNP/AdMedia
Keywords: 46th, President, 47th, Vice, President, 49th, Vice, President, 2024, America, American, Americas, ANC, Arlington, National, Cemetery, armed, forces, Armistice, Day, Chief, Executive, Commander-in-Chief, DC, defense, government, inside, the, Beltway, Joe, Biden, Joseph, Biden, Joseph, Robinette, Biden, Jr., Kamala, Harris, leaders, meeting, military, national, news, North, America, people, political, politicians, politics, POTUS, presidential, Senator, Harris, the, District, U.S., United, States, United, States, of, America, US, USA, Veterans, Day, Vice, President, Biden, Vice, President, Harris, VP, VP, Harris, VPOTUS, Washington, Washington, DC, White, House, zadmcnp, adm_111124_BidenArlington_CNP_024.JPG
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