
'La bataille presidentielle aux etats-unis; une scene typique de la campagne electorale : a Mills-City, dans le Dakota, les cowboys, ayant fait a cheval des centaines de milles, sont venus acclamer le train special de la "Women's Huges Alliance party".', 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVII. La Guerre Juillet, Aout, Septembre, Octobre, Novembre, Decembre 1916". AiWire
Post Date: Jun 1, 2023 12:36 PM
TAG ID: hiphotos483724 (RM)
Credit: Underwood & Underwood/The Print Collector/Heritage Ima AiWire/Newscom
Format: 5095 x 3256 Color JPEG
Photographer: Underwood & Underwood
Keywords: 1st World War, 20th century, America, American, American flag, b/w, background people, banner, black and white, black white, bw, century, Charles Evans Hughes, Charles Hughes, city, colour, concept, country, crowd, Dakota, First World War, flag, flags, France, French, group, guy, horseback, Hughes Charles Evans, L'Illustration, location, male, man, men, on horseback, patriotism, people, photo, photograph, political, political rally, politics, presidential campaign, publication, rally, rider, riding, standard, Stars and Stripes, The Print Collector, Underwood Underwood, United States, United States of America, USA, US flag, war, wartime, white and black, World War I, World War One, WW1, WWI, Underwood & Underwood
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