
James M. Trotter, J. C. Corbin, G. W. Dupee, Allen Allensworth, 1887. Prominent African-Americans. James Monroe Trotter, teacher, soldier, employee of the US Post Office Department, music historian, and Recorder of Deeds in Washington, D.C. Joseph Carter Corbin, journalist and educator, conductor on the Underground Railroad. George Washington Dupee, born into slavery, became a Baptist leader and preacher. Allen Allensworth, also born into slavery, escaped during the American Civil War and joined the 44th Illinois Volunteers as a Union soldier. He was later an army chaplain to a unit of Buffalo Soldiers, and was the first African American to reach the rank of lieutenant colonel. From "Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising" by William J. Simmons. AiWire
Post Date: Mar 24, 2023 1:27 PM
TAG ID: hiphotos474545 (RM)
Credit: Unknown/Heritage Art/Heritage Images AiWire/Newscom
Format: 2788 x 4226 Color JPEG
Photographer: Unknown
Keywords: 19th-century, 19th century, activism, activist, African-American, African American, Afro-American, Allen Allensworth, Allensworth Allen, America, American, b/w, beard, bearded, beards, black, black and white, Black History, black white, bw, century, chaplain, Christianity, civil rights, civil rights activist, Cleveland O, colonel, colour, concept, Corbin Joseph Carter, country, cultural heritage, Dupee George Washington, equal rights, facial hair, first, George Washington Dupee, G M Rewell Co, G M Rewell Company, guy, heritage, Heritage Art, historian, historic, historical, history, human rights, James Monroe Trotter, Joseph Carter Corbin, journalism, journalist, library, lieutenant colonel, location, male, man, men, New York Public Library, nineteenth century, NYPL, O Cleveland, people, portrait, portraits, preacher, preaching, public library, religion, religious, Rewell G M Co, Rewell G M Company, rights, Schomburg Center for Research, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Simmons William J, soldier, soldiers, theologian, theology, Trotter James Monroe, United States, United States of America, Unknown, USA, war, white and black, William J Simmons, G. M. Rewell & Co., William J. Simmons, O. Cleveland
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