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(130407) -- CAIRO, April 7, 2013 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian Christians hold up a cross as a mass funeral for several Christians who have recently been killed in a sectarian brawl is held inside the Abbassiya Cathedral, Cairo, Egypt, April 7, 2013. The Coptic funeral procession was held for four Christian victims who were killed in overnight fight that went on from Friday evening until Saturday morning after some Christian children allegedly drew crosses on a wall of an Islamic institute in Khosoos town of Qalyubiya, near Cairo, leading to the tragic confrontations. (Xinhua/STR)
Location: CAIRO, ,
Post Date: Apr 7, 2013 3:25 PM
TAG ID: xnaphotos230324 (RM)
Credit: STR / Xinhua News Agency/Newscom
Format: 4312 x 2854 Color JPEG
Photographer: STR
Keywords: ie
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