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ECB Governing Council meeting with interest rate decision

Arne Dedert/DPA/MAXPPP ; Arne Dedert / dpa / Maxppp, Germany Frankfurt/Main 12/12/2024 12 December 2024, Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), speaks during the press conference. Europe's top monetary authorities have once again cut interest rates in the eurozone at their regular meeting. Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel, December 12, 2024. Workshops of the Glacier Van Den Casteele, in full rush for the end-of-year celebrations. Making logs and iced cakes
DocID: 2024:12:12 241212-99-311333_dpai
Photographer: Arne Dedert
Keywords: Interest, Economic situation, ECB, Germany, Hesse
Category: EBF
Post Date: Dec 12, 2024 10:56 AM
Tag Id: maxphotostwo452324 (RM)
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