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07 January 2025, Berlin: 07.01.2025, Berlin. A male mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) swims in a small body of water in Berlin's Tiergarten, a large park in the city center. The ducks originally come from Asia, where they are now rare in the wild. However, they are popular worldwide as ornamental poultry. Photo: Wolfram Steinberg/dpa Photo: Wolfram Steinberg/dpa
Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Post Date: Jan 24, 2025 1:30 PM
TAG ID: dpaphotosseven837809 (RM)
Credit: Wolfram Steinberg/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom
Format: 5776 x 4336 Color JPEG
Photographer: Wolfram Steinberg
Keywords: Animals, Colorful, Bird, Birds, City, Big city, Park, Parks, more colorful, shimmer, Splendid dress, Maiden, Anatinae, Anatini, Mandarin duck, male, Neozoon, Germany
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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