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Graphic compares the 2012 U.S. gold medal men's basketball team to the 1992 U.S. basketball "Dream Team"; the 2012 team barely missed eclipsing the 1992 team's record scoring average, but they also faced teams that featured more NBA players. Chicago Tribune 2012

With BC-OLY-BKO-USMEN:LA, Los Angeles Times by Mike Bresnahan

15000000; krtcampus campus; krtnational national; krtsports sports; SPO; krt; mctgraphic; 15073001; krtedonly; krtolympics olympics olympic; krtolysummer; krtolysummer12; krtsummer summer; OLY; 15008000; 15008001; BKC; BKN; BKO; krtbasketball basketball; krtintlsports; krtnba nba national basketball association; krtncaabasketball ncaa college; krtussports; krtworld world; u.s. us united states; african american african-american black; krtdiversity diversity; youth; kobie bryant; chart; comparison; dream team; game; lebron james; magic johnson; michael jordan; london; macdonald; opponent; points; team; GBR; krteurope europe; krtnamer north america; u.k. uk united kingdom; USA; la contributed; 2012; krt2012

Post Date: Aug 13, 2012 9:42 AM
TAG ID: krtgfxlive041487
Format: StuffIt Document
Credit: Staff/MCT/Newscom
Categories: S SPO BKO GBR USA
Special: 2 col x 9 in / 82x229 mm / 232x648 pixels
Keywords: 01-POST.TO.GRAPHICS, 15000000, 15008000, 15008001, 15073001, 2012, african american african-american black, BKC, BKN, BKO, chart, comparison, dream team, game, GBR, kobie bryant, krt, krt2012, krtbasketball basketball, krtcampus campus, krtdiversity diversity, krtedonly, krteurope europe, krtintlsports, krtnamer north america, krtnational national, krtnba nba national basketball association, krtncaabasketball ncaa college, krtolympics olympics olympic, krtolysummer, krtolysummer12, krtsports sports, krtsummer summer, krtussports, krtworld world, la contributed, lebron james, london, macdonald, magic johnson, mctgraphic, michael jordan, OLY, opponent, points, SPO, team, u.k. uk united kingdom, u.s. us united states, USA, youth
Illustrator: Staff
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