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The Krasno snow sports club organized the 2nd Snow Alka on a snowmobile in Krasno, Croatia, on January 11, 2025. Snow Alka is modelled on equestrian Alka competition held in Sinj.The point of the game is for a competitor on a snowmobile with a spear to try to hit the center of a small iron ring called an alka, while in the original Alka the competitor is on a horse. Photo: Hrvoje Kostelac/PIXSELL/Sipa USA
Location: , , Croatia
Post Date: Jan 11, 2025 10:24 AM
TAG ID: sipaphotostwentyone521485 (RM)
Credit: Pixsell/Hrvoje Kostelac/Sipa USA/Newscom
Format: 4000 x 2668 Color JPEG
Photographer: Pixsell
Special: *** World Rights Except UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia *** BELOUT BIHOUT DEUOUT ESPOUT�FRAOUT�GBROUT HRVOUT ITAOUT�MKDOUT�MNEOUT SRBOUT�SVNOUT
Keywords: snow, winter, Lika, Krasno, Croatia, news
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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