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Canada's minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen speaks during a press conference in Bogota, Colombia announcing agreements between the two countries, on August 28, 2023. Photo by: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press
Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Post Date: Aug 29, 2023 10:23 AM
TAG ID: uigphotos460217 (RM)
Credit: Sebastian Barros/Long Visual Press/Universal Images Group/Newscom
Format: 2995 x 4500 Color JPEG
Photographer: Sebastian Barros
Keywords: Agreements, Agriculture initiatives, Bilateral cooperation, Canada, Capacity building, Climate change mitigation, Colombian Vice President, Community development, Conflict resolution, Cross-border projects, Cultural exchange, Diplomatic relations, Disaster resilience, Economic growth, Education programs, Energy cooperation, Entrepreneurship support, Environmental protection, Foreign policy, Francia Marquez, Gender equality, Healthcare cooperation, Humanitarian aid, Indigenous rights, Infrastructure development, Innovation exchange, International Development Minister, International collaboration, International partnerships, Investment projects, Joint ventures, Minority rights, Muhh, Multilateral agreements, Peacebuilding efforts, Poverty reduction, Resource management, Social programs, Sustainable development, Sustainable tourism, Technology transfer, Tourism promotion, Trade partnerships, UN Women, Women's empowerment, ahmed hussen, bibiana aido, naciones unidas, united nations women
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