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Chingay Festival 2012 in Singapore
Post Date: Mar 21, 2023 12:40 AM
TAG ID: ibpremiumtwo781916 (RM)
Credit: imageBROKER/Phil Bird/Newscom
Format: 5634 x 3752 Color JPEG
Photographer: imageBROKER
Special: MR_No, PR_No
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
Keywords: tradition, annually, 2012, animal depiction, animal figure, animal-like, Asia, atmospheric, breaker, business attire, celebrate, celebration, child, Chinese, city state, clothing, colorful, content, costume, culture, dance, dance, dark, darkness, depiction, depiction, deserted, different, diverse, dragon, dressed up, event, fantasy, festival, fictive, folklore, funny, girl, hand, happiness, happy, happy, hat, headgear, humor, imagination, information sign, lively, luck, mood, mythical creature, mythology, new, night shot, open, pantyhose, person, pose, procession, reflect, reflect, reflection, road, satisfaction, sea, Sign, Singapore, smile, Southeast Asia, spotlight, spray, suit, traditional, travel photography, typical, unique, water, wave, white, Wonderland
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