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Colombia's indigenous guard communities take part as Colombians march in support for the government purposed social reforms in Bogota, Colombia, September 27, 2023.
Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Post Date: Sep 29, 2023 9:33 AM
TAG ID: uigphotos462839 (RM)
Credit: Cristian Bayona/Long Visual Press/Universal Images Group/Newscom
Format: 4500 x 3000 Color JPEG
Photographer: Cristian Bayona
Keywords: Francia Marquez, Gustavo Petro, Paz, Politica, Reforma Pensional, Speech, armando benedetti, banners, bogota, colombia, colombia daily politics, colombia flag, colombia president, demonstration, first lady, fiscalia general de la nacion, flag, francisco barbosa, goverment, government, hollman morris, indigenous minga, irene velez, laura sarabia, march, minga indigena, ministro de salud, paz total, peace, petro, politcian, political reform, politics, president, primera dama, protest, reform, reforma a la salud, reforma a laboral, reformas, reformas sociales, social reforms, social reforms support, sofia petro, support, supporters, tax reform, total peace, veronica alcocer, vice president
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