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High-rise buildings in the Bensberg residential park, Bergisch-Gladbach, 18-storey housing estate with over 900 flats spread over 7 building complexes, dawn, illuminated windows, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
Post Date: Aug 1, 2024 7:20 PM
TAG ID: ibpremiumthree363965 (RM)
Credit: imageBROKER/Jochen Tack/Newscom
Format: 9303 x 6202 Color JPEG
Photographer: imageBROKER
Special: MR
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
Keywords: 7, Apartment building, Bergisch Gladbach, Central Europe, Concept image, Dusk, Europe, FRG, Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, German, German Federal Republic, Germany, High-rise apartment building, High-rise housing estate, Housing shortage, Illumination, Light mood, Middle Europe, Morning, NRW, No People, North Rhine-Westphalia, North-Rhine Westphalia, Republic of Germany, Residential quarter, Symbol image, Symbol photo, Tenement tower, apartment, apartment block, apartment construction, atmosphere, atmospheric, atmospheric light, block of flats, blue hour, break of dawn, bright, building, building complex, building site, city, cloud, cloudy, cloudy sky, concept, construction, construction site, construction work, crack of dawn, dark, dawn, dawning, daybreak, deserted, dim, district, dusky, dwelling, empty, estate, european, evening atmosphere, evening hour, evening light, evening mood, evening shot, evening sky, flat, for rent, gentle lightning, gray, grey, high-rise, high-rise block, high-rise building, high-rise residential building, highrise, home, home construction, house, housing, housing area, housing construction, housing development, housing estate, icon, illuminated, light atmosphere, light of the evening sun, light scene, light-coloured, lighting, lit, live, living quarters, living space, lodger, luminous, mellow lightning, mood, morning, morning atmosphere, morning light, morning scene, municipal, neighborhood, neighbourhood, no one, nobody, overcast, overcast sky, place, poor, poverty, property, real estate, real estate market, realty, rent, rent cost, rent increase, rent index, rent price, rent rate, residence, residential area, residential building, residential district, residential high-rise, residential home, residential house, residential tower, rising sun, scarcity, settlement, seven, shortage, sky, sky with cloud, social building, social hardship, social housing, social issue, social security, soft lightning, spot, spotlighted
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