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US dollar, various gold coins, symbol photo gold, investment, currency
Post Date: May 2, 2024 11:50 AM
TAG ID: ibpremiumthree244396 (RM)
Credit: imageBROKER/Schoening/Newscom
Format: 8102 x 5401 Color JPEG
Photographer: imageBROKER
Special: MR
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
Keywords: America, American, Change, Concept image, Dollar banknote, Miscellaneous, No People, North America, Small change, Studio Shot, Symbol image, Symbol photo, US dollar note, US-America, US-American, US-Dollar, USA, United States, United States of America, Variety of, assorted, bank bill, bank note, banknote, capital market, capitalism, cash, coin, concept, currency, deserted, different, differing, diverse, dollar, dollar bill, dollar note, economical, economy, empty, finance, financial market, gold, gold coin, gold-coloured, golden, icon, invest, investment, massive, means of payment, money, money transfer, no one, nobody, note, paper, paper money, pay, payment, payment transaction, save, save money, shine, studio, studio photo, studio photograph, studio photography, studio picture, symbol, symbolic, symbolic image, symbolic picture, thrift, uninhabited, varied, various, varying
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