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08 August 2024, Lower Saxony, Hanover: Karl Lauterbach (2nd from right, SPD), Federal Minister of Health, and Andreas Philippi (right, SPD), Minister of Health for Lower Saxony, stand in front of an incubator with a training dummy on the neonatology ward during a visit to the "Auf der Bult" children's and young people's hospital. Next to it is Florian Guthmann (l), Head Physician of Neonatology. During their visit, the ministers also learn about the HENRIKE mother and child center, which is currently being built in partnership with DIAKOVERE on the Bult. Photo: Michael Matthey/dpa
Location: Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Post Date: Aug 8, 2024 10:40 AM
TAG ID: dpaphotosseven339043 (RM)
Credit: Michael Matthey/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom
Format: 5472 x 3648 Color JPEG
Photographer: Michael Matthey
Keywords: Hospitals, Children
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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