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PRODUCTION - 30 April 2024, Lower Saxony, Hanover: Police officers walk through the Lower Saxony State Criminal Police Office wearing polo shirts with the words "Cyber Police". The LKA Lower Saxony focuses on prevention in the area of cybercrime and provides information on key aspects of cybercrime such as identity theft and hacker attacks. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
Location: Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Post Date: Apr 30, 2024 6:30 AM
TAG ID: dpaphotosseven152211 (RM)
Credit: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom
Format: 6000 x 3959 Color JPEG
Photographer: Julian Stratenschulte
Keywords: Computer, Icon, Symbol photo, Illustration, Computer crime, Hacker, Hacker attack, Cybercrime, Cyber, Cyber police, Data, Solutions, DoS, online crime, Security, Prosecution, Cyberbullying, internet bullying
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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