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Witness on allegations against opposition leader's wife Cho Myung-hyun (C), a former official at the Gyeonggi provincial government who has exposed the alleged private use of a Gyeonggi government card by Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, while serving as Gyeonggi governor from 2018-2021, answers reporters' questions while entering the Suwon District Prosecutors Office, 30 kilometers south of Seoul, on April 22, 2024. Cho will attend a hearing as a witness on the purported violation by Lee's wife, Kim Hye-kyung, of the election law by providing meals to party officials and lawyers on Aug. 2, 2021, right after her husband declared his participation in an intraparty race to select the party's candidate for the presidential election the following year. (Yonhap)/2024-04-22 10:21:14/ < 1980-2024 YONHAPNEWS AGENCY. .>
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