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Liberal activist Tom Steyer appears on a panel at the Center for American Progress� 2018 Ideas Conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP (RESTRICTION: NO New York or New Jersey Newspapers or newspapers within a 75 mile radius of New York City)
Location: Washington, ,
Post Date: May 15, 2018 2:00 AM
TAG ID: cnpphotos131531 (RM)
Credit: Ron Sachs - CNP/Newscom
Format: 3000 x 2064 Color JPEG
Photographer: Ron Sachs
Special: (RESTRICTION: NO New York or New Jersey Newspapers or newspapers within a 75 mile radius of any part of New York, New York, including without limitation the New York Daily News, The New York Times, and Newsday.)
Keywords: 2018, America, American, Americas, Democrat, Democratic, NY, NYC, New York, New York City, North America, The Big Apple, U.S., US, USA, United States, United States of America, city government, government, local government, mayor, national, news, people, political, politicians, politics, NO NYDN
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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