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Valkyrie and a Dying Hero, late 19th century. AiWire
Post Date: Oct 16, 2023 2:22 PM
TAG ID: hiphotos492340 (RM)
Credit: Hans Makart/Heritage Art/Heritage Images AiWire/Newscom
Format: 4960 x 3095 Color JPEG
Photographer: Hans Makart
Keywords: 19th-century, 19th century, animal, animal hide, animals, animal skin, Austria, Austrian, century, cloud, clouds, color, colour, comforting, concept, country, death, dying, female, floating, flying, fur, guy, Hans Makart, Heritage Art, hero, heroic, heroism, horse, horses, lightning, location, Makart Hans, male, man, men, museum, mythology, National Museum Sweden, Nationalmuseum Sweden, nineteenth century, Norse mythology, oil on canvas, oil painting, painting, people, Stockholm National Museum, storm, stormcloud, storm cloud, storm clouds, stormclouds, Sweden, Swedish, Valkyrie, Valkyries, weather, woman, women
Release Status: No Model Release, No Property Release
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