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'Zeno Eleates', (c495-430 BC), 1830. Zeno of Elea (c495-430 BC) pre-Socratic Greek philosopher of the Eleatic School founded by Parmenides, known for his paradox and credited for laying the foundations of modern Logic. From "Biographical Illustrations", by Alfred Howard. [Thomas Tegg, R. Griffin and Co., J. Cumming, London, Glasgow and Dublin, 1830] AiWire
Post Date: Sep 19, 2019 3:52 PM
TAG ID: hiphotos219657 (RM)
Credit: Unknown/The Print Collector/Heritage Ima AiWire/Newscom
Format: 4284 x 5091 Color JPEG
Photographer: Unknown
Keywords: 5th century bc, 19th century, alfred, alfred howard, ancient, ancient greece, ancient greek, arts, b&w, bare chested, beard, bearded, biographical illustrations, black & white, black and white, bodies, body, book, bw, century, charles griffin, company, Company Richard Griffin and, concept, country, cumming, Cumming J, direct gaze, elea, Elea Zeno of, engraving, face, greece, greek, griffin, griffin and company, Griffin Richard, guy, history, howard, Howard Alfred, illustration, j, j cumming, literature, location, logic, looking at camera, male, man, men, nineteenth century, one person, paradox, parmenides, people, philosopher, philosophy, portrait, r griffin and co, richard, richard griffin and, richard griffin and company, t, tegg, tegg & son, Tegg Son T, Tegg Thomas, text, tgn, the body, the print collector, thinker, thomas, thomas tegg, titled, t tegg & son, T Tegg Son, unknown, zeno eleates, zeno of, zeno of elea
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