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September 8, 2018: Wisconsin Badgers fullback Alec Ingold #45 jumps over a Lobo defender on a 39 yard run in the second quarter of the NCAA Football game between the New Mexico Lobos and the Wisconsin Badgers at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI. John Fisher/CSM
Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
Post Date: Sep 8, 2018 4:22 PM
TAG ID: csmphototwo426337 (RM)
Credit: John Fisher/Cal Sport Media/Newscom
Format: 3216 x 2136 Color JPEG
Photographer: John Fisher
Keywords: zncaa, zncaafb, university, conference, wisconsin, badgers, big, ten, college, division, b1g, football, new, mexico, lobos, zselect, 20180908_0006.JPG, zcsm, zagency, zsports, zlast24, 20180908_zaf_c04_115.jpg, 20180908_zaf_c04_115.jpg, 20180908_zaf_c04_115.jpg
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